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Screen Canberra’s bespoke screen development program, proven to help you learn the process, perfect the project & pitch to producers.

Registrations Closed Please contact us for more information, or visit

To help you move faster and experience more success in the screen industry, Screen Canberra has developed what industry insiders believe is Australia’s most effective program for screen development; Screen POD.


During this five-month interactive program, we train you in proven development methods, helping you develop your projects. You will have multiple opportunities to learn, rehearse, and deliver a project pitch that articulates your intentions, and effectively connects with the market gatekeepers.

Whether you write for film, television, or you’re not entirely sure yet, Screen POD will help you maximise your creativity and your chances to find a buyer for your script.

Screen POD is a market driven program delivered in three streams: Process, Project, and Pitch.

    Learn the discipline of writing for screen and hone your writing skills
    Put the Process into practice with the assistance & guidance of a trained Developer
    Learn how to pitch your developed concepts to market

We recommend that anyone who has not previously attended a Screen Canberra POD program, or anyone with limited screenwriting experience, take part in all three Screen POD program streams.

Screen POD 2023 Info Session 2


Recorded Thursday, 18 May 2023.

In this info session, Screen Canberra and the Screen POD team are joined by Catherine Nebauer from the Emmy-winning Northern Pictures.

Missed out on Info Session 1? Watch our recording here (recorded Friday, 14 April 2023).


"The personal and professional connections I've made as a result of the POD are beyond valuable." Erin Foy (Accelerator TV POD 2017 & Accelerator TV POD 2019)
"I found it incredibly rewarding and I'm now developing my concept with some talented industry professionals." Tom Armstrong (Accelerator TV POD 2019)
"POD allowed me to develop the skills and knowledge to craft my idea in a supportive environment and establish relationships." Claudia Cooney (POD Alumni)
"I highly recommend the program if you have difficulties moving the project down the line." BK Lyon (Accelerator TV POD 2020)


Screen POD is due to commence on Saturday, 3 June 2023, with completion end of November at our annual Pitch Fest event.

Screen POD is a format-agnostic and market driven program delivered in three streams: Process, Project, and Pitch.

  1. Process – focusing on learning the discipline of writing for screen.
  2. Project – putting the theory-based learning into practice – with the assistance and guidance of a trained Developer.
  3. Pitch – pitching developed concepts to market.

It is advised that people who haven’t previously attended POD, or have little screenwriting experience, take part in all three streams.

In the past, representatives from a range of different studios have attended, including:

Studio Canal
Princess Pictures
Goalpost Pictures
Universal Pictures
Roadshow Rough Diamond
Matchbox Pictures
Ruby Entertainment
Northern Pictures
Easy Tiger
Hoodlum Entertainment
Transmission Films
Odin’s Eye Entertainment
Bonsai Films
Playmaker Media

Early Bird tickets (save $250) will be available from Monday, 20th of March and close Monday, 24th of April 2023 (or until allocation is exhausted).

Regular tickets will be available until Monday, 29th of May 2023 (or until allocation is exhausted).

Your payment must be made in a lump sum before the program begins on Saturday, 3rd of June 2023.


If you have any further queries about the payment process, please get in touch with us at

Screen POD will be held online through secure Zoom sessions and access to a range of resources on our portal. You will also be connected to other POD members through a Discord channel.

Yes. However, to qualify, you must have some proven industry experience or have previously completed at least two Screen PODs.

If you would like to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Screen POD has been redesigned to suit participants at different stages of their writing development. Having previously been format based (TV or film), Screen POD is now format-agnostic. Some returning participants use POD to bring a new project to the market-ready stage.

Developer POD is an application-based program for evolving script developers. The ‘Developers’ are the team leaders who help assist and cultivate concept ideas with Screen POD participants.

Developer POD is open to nationwide applicants.

All but a few sessions are recorded and accessible for you to catch-up later at your own pace – or rewatch!

Previously taking place face-to-face, the program has been adapted to be COVID-safe and now takes place via an online classroom.

  1. Process; 1 hour every fortnight
  2. Project; 3-4 hours every fortnight – at the discretion of the Developer
  3. Pitching; 3 two-day sessions.

Yes, your in-progress development documents will be submitted throughout the course – these are to be completed within your own time.

Contact us about Screen POD